How to Check your Hours:
In July of 2024, we will begin to post volunteer hours completed to date. By clicking on the above link you will be able to view your volunteer hours completed for the 2024/25 season. The spreadsheet will be in alphabetical order by the player’s last name. You will only be able to view the sheet. There is a lot of manual intervention that goes into tracking the hours. If you feel there is a discrepancy, please contact Cheryl Mercuri for resolution. In the subject line of your email, label it Volunteer Hour Discrepancy and include in your request the volunteer’s name, player’s name, the event you worked and the approximate date and shift you worked. All event sign in sheets are kept and available for validation.
General Volunteer Information:
It is with volunteer help from our membership that Washington Premier FC is able to fundraise dollars to help keep the soccer fees stable and to raise the funds needed to improve our soccer complex. It is the expectation and requirement of the club, that each family completes 6 hours of volunteer work per season.
New in 2024, the club has added the volunteer opt out fee of $150 (6 hr. at $25/hr) to the total fees that will be included in the last installment of the payment plan. The club will process an adjustment for the volunteer hours completed for the season at the rate of $25/hr up to a max of $150. This adjustment will be applied to the final installment of the payment plan. If you have multiple children in the club, the hours will be tracked on the youngest child in the premier program and adjustments will be applied to the older siblings payment plan. For the HS boys age groups, the payment plan was not adjusted and an adjustment for the unfulfilled was added directly to the players club account.
2024/25 Opportunities:
We use Google Docs to post and track sign ups for volunteer opportunities. Emails will be sent via PlayMetrics when new opportunties become available. Sign up sheets for the summer tournaments will open in early June.
- Team Manager (all 6 Hours)
- Team Treasurer (all 6 Hours)
- June 8th Morning Work at Complex
- June 8th Afternoon work at Complex
- Girls Weekend Rainier Challenge Tournament Set up (June 21)
- Tournament Shifts Girls Weekend (June 22-25)
- Boys Weekend Rainier Challenge Tournament Set up (June 27)
- Tournament Shifts Boys Weekend (June 28-July 1)
- Junior Classic Tournament Shifts (July 20-21)
- ECNL Reg. League (Aug. 9-11)
- River Jam Challenge Set-Up (August 15)
- River Jam Tournament Shifts August 16-August 19)
- Misc Opportunities
Volunteer Reminders:
- The manager and treasurer roles on the team are the only roles that count toward volunteer hours. There are no exceptions.
- Every volunteer must sign in and sign out at the event or day to get credit. If you don’t sign out, you won’t get credit.
- If working at the tournament, volunteers need to wear a safety vest.
- Volunteers must be 18 years or older for the majority of the events.
- If you sign in for a shift it is the expectation that you work the entire shift. Having 3 family members sign in for one hour doesn’t work. It leaves us heavy on the front end of the shift and light on the back end.
- Tournament Parking is where we always need the most help. If you get assigned to parking, understand it based on need.
- If a shift is full, meaning we have every position staffed, do not write your name in for the shift.
- If on-line sign-up is being used, follow the instructions on the sheet.
- Based on your mobile device, you may need to download an application to be able to edit the google document.